Animated Movies was launched by Olivier Mouroux in 1999. In addition to a daily news report, he also created a database of information about past, current, and upcoming films. In 2003, he took a job in the industry and had to give up his work on the site. Several fans of Animated Movies decided to take on the task of keeping the news portion of his site going, and founded what is now Animated Views. As AV turns 15, let's take a look back at the site we descended from. Below you can explore the database Olivier compiled at Animated Movies during its existence, as it last appeared online in October 2003. |
of the Looney Tunes & Merry Melodies
The cartoons with a bold title won an Award -the rest were just nominated.
From the new generation of WB cartoons: HARLEY QUINN!
Interview with creator Paul Dini
Q: How long did it take you to create/complete Harley Quinn's character?
Paul Dini: I created Harley in the space of the ten days or so it took
me to write the Batman Animated episode "Joker's Favor". Her character
slowly evolved over the next couple of months, helped along by discussions
with co-producers Alan Burnett and Bruce Timm. Once Bruce and I sat down
to create the "Mad Love" one-shot comic, we pretty much had Harley's personality
all completed.
Q: It has been rumored that you were originally going to give Harley
the alias Columbine. Is this true?
PD: That was one of the many names running through my head when I was
creating Harley. I leaned more toward Harley Quinn because Collie would
have sounded too weird.
Q: How old is Harley supposed to be?
PD: On the series and in comics, I always think of her as about 28,
pretty much the same age as Poison Ivy. In the flashback scene in "Batman
Beyond: Return of the Joker" I imagine her (as well as the other characters)
about three to five years older. He doesn't say it directly in years, but
Joker indicates that he, Batman and Harley have been doing their "little
run-around" for some time and they are all getting older. So, Harley's
anywhere between 28 and 33. Seven years younger than Batman at any rate,
whom I always imagine at about 35.
Q: Is Harley your favorite female character ever?
PD: Of the one's I've created, Harley is definitely up there, though
Jingle Belle tends to give her
a run for her money, especially at this time of year. I also think Zatanna
is rather swell.
Q: What is your personal favorite Harley episode?
PD: "Mad Love".
Q: What about Harley comic?
PD: See above.
Q: Are you still working on the Harley and Ivy mini-series with Bruce
PD: I finished the scripts five years ago. It's up to the inking and
the coloring now.
Q: Do you have any idea why people started spelling her real name
Harlene Quinzelle instead of Harleen Quinzel? Gosh, that bugs me...
PD: Yeah, it bugs me, too. I guess people spell it phonetically. Like
the name Arleen, you can spell Harleen any number of ways. I borrowed the
name Quinsel from a college teacher of mine, though I changed the s to
a z for reasons that escape me now. Just wanted to be different, I guess.
Q: Do you ever regret bringing Harley into the mainstream comic continuity
since you don't get to write for her much anymore?
PD: Enh. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I'm just happy I got
to kick things off by doing that special one-shot. Besides, Alex gave me
his original cover painting! Woo-hoo!
Q: If Harley was supposed to be in a new Batman film and you could
choose anyone to play her, who would you pick?
PD: Hard to say as I can't think of anyone except Arleen Sorkin doing
those lines. Then again, Joey Lauren Adams comes mighty close, look, attitude
and voice-wise.